Not sure where to start when it comes to choosing the best learning resources for your child or teenager? Depending on your child’s age and the subject of interest, we suggest starting with the following products:
Kindergarten to Grade 3 – Mathematics QuickCheck Math: Instructional Student Resources (ISR) Grade Centre Pack for kindergarten Also available for Grades 1 to 3
Age 3 + Veritech6: Set of 3 BABA books + Veritech6 case
Kindergarten Veritech: Set of 6 books:All About Me + Veritech case
Literacy: Ages 4 to 11 Veritech: Choice of 8 books For instance, We’d Better Get a Letter + Veritech case
Numeracy: Ages 5 to 12 Veritech: Choice of 8 books For instance, Mathemagician + Veritech case
Natural Sciences: Ages 4 to 8+ Veritech : Choice of 8 books For instance, Birds, Beasts, and Bugs + Veritech case