How can I place an order?
Several options are available depending on the collection and where you are located: simply click on the TO ORDER menu on our website and select the collection and your region.

Can I make a purchase at the Kinésis Éducation offices?
No. We do not have an on-site sales counter. You can see our points of sale when making your selection as detailed in the previous question.

Is there special pricing for schools?

  1. Amérix Wallmaps: prices vary by quantity. Please refer to our sliding scale.
  2. Quickcheck books and cases with tiles: prices vary by quantity. Consult our Easy Pricing List for Schools.
  3. Veritech books and cases with tiles: there is one price for schools, teachers, students and the general public.

What is the difference between the next-generation red Veritech case and the green case from the previous version?
The red case is an upgraded version with a clasp and transparent cover for easier use. Both versions are compatible with all book titles in the collection.

I lost some tiles from my Veritech or Quickcheck case. Can I replace them?
Yes. Tiles are sold individually. Simply contact the publisher at editions@ebbp.ca.

Returns and complaints
The publisher does not accept book returns. Should an item be delivered with a defect, please contact the merchant who processed your order. The merchant is responsible for rectifying the situation as needed.



How do I know if the book I have is the most recent version?
When we produce a new edition of a book, we update the ISBN number. If the ISBN number on your book is the same as the one on the price list or catalog of our website, then your book is the latest version.

How can I get an overview of a book before I buy it?
You can browse digital excerpts of our books on our website. Go to the webpage of the book to question to view the excerpts.

Am I allowed to make photocopies of a book I have purchased?
No. All our books are protected by copyright. Any reproduction is prohibited without the permission of the publisher. All requests for reproduction must be sent to Copibec (paper reproduction). For more details on the applicable protocol, please contact:
514 288-1664 / 1 800 717-2022

Can I purchase a digital version of your books?
Certain titles from the MAT collection are now available on the DONA platform, which reserves the right to apply usage fees. This platform is reserved exclusively for students with special needs (learning disabilities, visual impairments, etc.). To find out the conditions of use and access the platform, click on this link: copibecdona.ca.

I believe I found an error or a typo in a book. Who should I contact?
Kindly report any typos or errors by email to cbeullac@ebbp.ca. If your comments are accepted by the editorial team, you will receive a free copy when the title is republished as a thank you. We never reprint a title without first any necessary improvements.



I would like to sell Veritech and Quickcheck educational tools in my store, how can I do this?
Please contact our Communications Consultant at cbeullac@ebbp.ca.